About Me

Currenty a second year, studying Graphic Design at the Arts University College Bournemouth (formerly AIB).

Sunday 17 May 2009

The Big Chill Festival

My brother went to the festival last year and if i can get enough money im going to go this year with him, i came across this in the Guardian. Its one of the posters for the festival and it was created by a third year graphic design student from Cardiff called Matt Needle. Again its following the collage style that im determined to get back in to. As much as i love clean cut, simple design, it doesnt inspire me in the same way that the above does. Its all about composition and manipulation.

First year over

So my first years over, which seems pretty scary and daunting. i feel i've learnt alot this year and that my work finally follows a structure when it comes to laying out text and huge amounts of writing. I've also finally learnt how to use illustrator after years of claiming i will over holidays :].
 As much as i've loved this year, it will be good to have longer projects and perhaps experiment a bit more in second. i suppose the first year freshers life has kind of swept me away and there have been a few times at the beggining of the year i put my work below my social life but im hoping ive managed to pass everything! i mihgt of just jinxed that, i suppose i'll find out on wednesday.
 Next years going to be alot more work orientated. something that will be made easier in moving out of halls! it got quite suffocating living where i learn, i think i'll blame that for my nights out. It'll also be brilliant not having to listen to Guys and Dolls or COD at 5 in the morning from the room next door. It all went downhill when my neighbour got massive speakers. 

Eduardo Recif

I've always followed the work of Eduardo Recif, an illustrator who works mainly in collage but also creates some pretty awesome hand-drawn type. In the last couple of weeks he posted some new illustrations, the majority of which encorporated some renaissance paintings. I've always loved his use of papers and his compositions. i think the one above is perhaps my favourite, its called 'bright side' . i love the floral papers, the saturation and the vintage feel it has. 
I think that next year i might go back to collage, and focus more on handmade and detach myself from using adobe software quite so much.